Showing posts with label lisa eldridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lisa eldridge. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Vogue shoot at SHOWstudio part trois

So I FINALLY got to see a Vogue photo shoot at Somerset House - yay! Although I don't know if it was because I hyped it up so much in my head, or because there were no wild outfit changes but I was a bit bored :( Undoubtedly Lisa Eldridge is amazing and it was great to watch her work, and I was not aware that CD Robin Derrick had photography as one of his many talents, but I still somehow felt it was not as great as the one I missed (Vogue shoot at SHOWstudio part une and part deux)

However it was great to watch these two at work. I wonder if they often work together... hmmm

I only popped in for a bit as I had to get back to work to finish editing (next issue's out in December eek!) but I hope you enjoy the pictures. I'm thinking of taking up photography as well (No. I do not yet have too much I'm doing) so any feedback, good or bad, will be appreciated.

Muchos love

There was a model this time! Look at those cheekbones - such perfection. So exquisite. *sigh*

Lisa Eldridge creates a new look

Testing, testing

Husband-and-wife duo at work

Peek-a-boo...I see you

Lisa preps the next model